Any persons require medical opinion from Bariatric surgeon please fill up you medical inquiry.
Doodee Center realizes health threats that have afflicted the lives of people and encountered difficulties in their daily life and the risk of premature death of obesity,
Doodee Center has set goals to be an agency in promoting weight loss surgery with innovative surgery by a doctor specializes in Bariatric surgery (Gastric Sleeve surgery) with state-of-the-art laparoscopic surgery technology.
Doodee Weight Loss Gastric Surgery Center
- Surgery performed by specialized surgeons with expertise in obesity surgery.
- Surgical procedures are carried out in a facility with a certification for zero-infection care, with assistance from skilled medical staff focusing on treating obese patients.
- Modern recovery rooms with amenities and comprehensive services.
Advanced Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgery Rajavithi Hospital, Rungsit Medical College University, Bangkok -Specialty in Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery, Hernia Surgery, Upper GI Surgery, GI Endoscopy.
Minimally Invasive Surgery, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, specialized physician in the treatment of gallbladder and bile duct stones, laparoscopic diverticulitis surgery, liver surgeries, biliary tract procedures, hemorrhoid treatments, ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography), and gastric bypass surgery .
Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, Weight Loss Surgery, Sleeve gastrectomy, Gastric bypass, Single Anastomosis Duodenoileal Bypass with Sleeve gastrectomy (SADI-S), Revisional Bariatric Surgery, Secondary Weight Loss Surgery after Previous Surgery, Intragastric balloon, Advanced laparoscopic and endoscopic surgery, Upper Gastrointestinal Tract (UGI) Surgery, Minimally invasive UGI cancer surgery, Endoscopic inguinal and abdominal wall hernia repair, Minimally invasive Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) surgery.
Specialist surgeon in laparoscopy, Liver and gallbladder surgery, Urinary tract surgery, Breast surgery, Intestinal and stomach surgery, Endoscopy of the digestive tract, Endoscopy of the urinary tract and Trauma surgery
We have a team of specialised doctors ready to provide consultation and treatment planning for optimal and long-term treatment outcomes.
Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun